
Friday, May 1, 2015

Three years ago I was bit by a tick and have been on and off antibiotics ever since.  Unfortunately my MD did not know about tick bites and sent me on my way to see what happens.  Well many things happened including heart problems, vertigo, joint pain, eye pain, headaches, and many other things.  The best way to not get Lyme Disease is prevention! 

Allison at My Lyme Disease Blog has made this list to help prevent that tick from biting you.

PLEASE, PLEASE remember right now the nymph (babies) ticks are out!! So when you are outside whether you are hiking, playing in the yard, gardening, camping or even at a local park do a tick check when you come home. Here are some tips I would suggest too…these are cheap products that can help.

1. Wear some kind of hat
2. Wear light colored clothing so that you can see the ticks
3. Cover any or all exposed areas such as your ankles, arms, & legs. Ticks love the warmer spots like your Ears, armpits, groin, etc. I know it can be hot to wear long clothes in the spring/summer so if you prefer there are products that help protect from ticks such as…

A. Permethrin Spray, this is good through 6 washes of clothing-http://www.walmart.com/ip/21947774?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227022234839&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=40968437432&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=78911591192&veh=sem

B. Spray with DEET to apply to the skin- http://www.amazon.com/Deep-Woods-Sportsman-Insect-Repellent/dp/B000WOU414

C. Natural spray is also good for kids and if you don’t want the chemicals on your skin is- http://www.google.com/shopping/product/5192824551280969911?lsf=seller:7960,store:2059309246457266924&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KEQjwpM2pBRChsZCzm_CU0t4BEiQAxDVFmpThkCqNZ0rSyGtMxOebp_boiD5ywDO6EfLNmIB9_SYaAkTe8P8HAQ&ei=-7gzVeyCCYmegwSb7YHIDg&hl=en&lsft=gclid:Cj0KEQjwpM2pBRChsZCzm_CU0t4BEiQAxDVFmpThkCqNZ0rSyGtMxOebp_boiD5ywDO6EfLNmIB9_SYaAkTe8P8HAQ,gclsrc:aw.ds&prds=oid:3487776867837259213;

D. For your lawn there are many different things you can do. Remember ticks love the to hang by the edges of your yard and walking paths. They HATE the Sun but LOVE the shade so putting things like your kids swing set in the shade isn’t the best idea. Here are a few products to help- http://www.tickencounter.org/prevention/protect_your_yard

E. Don’t forget about your pets! Use a pet product on them to help prevent ticks as well. Remember to check them when they come inside and one of the best things I can tell you as well. Do not allow them to sleep in bed with you at night. I’ve had many people with stories of ticks transferring from their pets onto them- http://www.1800petmeds.com/Flea+++Tick+Prevention-cat50.html

F. When Hunting there is a Tick prevention suit and clothing you can wear. In fact my Father In-law uses one and says it works great!- http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/search.cmd?form_state=searchForm&N=0&fsch=true&Ntk=AllProducts&Ntt=Tick+prevention+clothes&x=10&y=6&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products

Reputable Lyme Disease Info-

Warm hugs,

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