When my kids where young they would say "That's not fair!" and I'd tell them that life is not fair sometimes. Well this is one of those no fair times in my life. It's taken me a few days to build up the courage to post about this...but here goes.
HAIR !! I mean Facial Hair.
As we get older life should be very pleasant and non stressful,
we should not have to deal with all of this
Not only is hair growing at a very fast rate on my chin, under my chin, neck, and upper lip but two days ago I found a long white hair (at least 3") growing
out of the middle of my forehead!!
How long do you think it was there?
My husband said he never saw it but
like me he can't see anything even with glasses!
So talk about unfair just when you need to have great vision to find all those hairs that spring up daily...your vision goes, you can only see with a magnifying mirror...mine is X15. That's how I found the great white one!!
I'm a little less emotional after posting this - it always helps to talk to a friend! Thanks for being there and is anyone else having hair problems?
Warm wishes,